Michelle's Guinea Pigs


December 1990 - June 1996

Butterscotch used to start squeaking when she would hear
the front door open, knowing it was me coming home.
She liked to stay near me when she got floor time.


July 1991 - September 1996

Lexus was always a little pig, smaller than Butterscotch.
Unlike Butterscotch, Lexus loved to run around on the floor,
zipping back and forth behind the couches.


Adopted June 1996 - June 2003

Here Nutmeg was only a couple of months
old and could still fit in a kleenex box.
Now he is so big that he hides under half of a log.


Born July 1996 - January 22, 2000
Adopted September 1996

Whiskers is my carrot lover.
When I first got him, the only treat he would eat is carrots. Since
then he has gotten a taste for cantaloupe,  green peppers,
cucumbers, and much more! But he still doesn't eat bread or

cereal like the other pigs.


December 1996 - June 28, 1998

Sienna is the loudest pig I have ever heard!
When I got her she was just a little pig, but she was so loud!
She made sure that I knew when it was time to eat!


Brittney (15219 bytes)
Adopted March 1, 1998 - June 2, 1999
Rescued through a fellow guinea pig lover on the internet!
She is the thirstiest guinea pig! And she loves cucumbers!
And after all that she's been through, she still has a wonderful attitude!


Adopted June 11, 1999 - 2004
Hello Abby! Abby was pregnant when we got her. Two months later she had two babies, Smores and Half Penny.


Half Penny
Born August 17, 1999 - Sept. 2005
She is a very lucky pig in that she has never lived in a pet store, but always at our home!


Adopted August 2003 - Sept. 2009


Adopted October 2009




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